Friday 29 March 2013

Strategies for Success

  • Have Grit — Persistence over the long haul is key
  • Know Exactly How Far You Have Left to Go — Monitor your progress
  • Get Specific — Have a crystal-clear idea of exactly what success will look like
  • Seize the Moment to Act on Your Goals — Know in advance what you will do, and when and where you will do it
  • Focus on What You Will Do, Not What You Won't Do — Instead of focusing on bad habits, it's more effective to replace them with better ones.
  • Build your Willpower Muscle — If you don't have enough willpower, you can get more using it.
  • Focus on Getting Better, Rather than Being Good — Think about your goals as opportunities to improve, rather than to prove yourself
  • Be a Realistic Optimist — Visualize how you will make success happen by overcoming obstacles
  • Don't Tempt Fate — No one has willpower all the time, so don't push your luck
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