Wednesday 16 January 2013

Who will be successful?

Look at yourself and the people around you. Who among you will be the most successful? Don’t shrug and say it’s impossible to know. Success has markers. Spot them and you can determine who will be successful. The successful businessperson has three key traits: Drive, ability and knowledge.
  1. Drive is really a state of mind. It is the internal source of motivation. People who are ambitious and have a desire – whether it is to become rich or to delight customers or some other goal – are on a path to success.
  2. Ability is a combination of in-born traits and acquired skills. An example would be communications skills – some are born with this and some must work at it. Other abilities may be administrative or quantitative.
  3. Knowledge is the final ingredient. Drive and ability will not help you succeed if you do not possess knowledge – of the world, of the workplace, of technology. Willingness to learn and keep learning is critical.

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