Friday 21 December 2012

Start-up Trends in 2013

....9 Trends Entrepreneurs Need To Watch In 2013

It’s now time to turn next year’s biggest entrepreneurial trends. Here’s our take on trends entrepreneurs should watch in 2013:
1. Crowdfunding : With the flow of capital to entrepreneurs becoming smaller and smaller each year, we’re likely to see an even greater rise in crowdfunding platforms.
2. Going Global : Today's technological world allows us access to customers from all over the globe. Bringing successful business models into developing or trailing clientele presents an opportunity for startups in every industry. Startups like Pheed, 2U, and Threadless have already made the jump into the global waters with successful outcomes.
3. Augmented Reality : Moving past the mobility wars that have taken place in the smartphone sector, brands like Apple and Microsoft are making the move to augmented reality. With the release of Google’s Project Glass prototype--the augmented reality head-mounted display revealed back in June--this sector is certainly an area for tech entrepreneurs to keep their eyes on in 2013.
4. Tech Start-up Hotspot : With the help of accelerators, India may be a hotspot for startups in 2013. After starting web design company, one may see the unmatched level of talent and opportunity available in the area, which will only get stronger throughout the next year.
5. Business Focus For Start-ups : Start-ups that have a bigger focus on business and revenue models are set to succeed in 2013, drawing away from businesses with a focus on big ideas and user acquisition with no clear cut revenue model.
6. Better Social Platforms : The need for higher quality content online will certainly drive a social trend in 2013 with the creation of more advanced content-driven social networks. Pheed is an example of a social platform that I feel will reach even larger audiences in 2013.
7. Great Emphasis On Company Culture : Creating a positive company culture will be of stronger emphasis for start-ups in 2013. Many start-ups are taking new steps toward building cultures that define their products. One step I firmly believe in: dismantling hierarchies, which can eliminate micromanaging and other attitudes that squash innovation.
8. Corporate Incubators For Funding : The trend of corporate-backed funding, known as “corporate incubators,” are certain to take 2013 by storm. While these funds will ultimately provide smaller amounts of support than traditional venture capital funds, they will be able to support a larger number of innovators and have a greater impact long term.
9. Internet TV : The growth of internet usage has spawned the next generation of television -- Internet TV. In 2013, In Internet TV, one may take off with the help of Google and Apple TV, leaving space for new innovations in this market.