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Dena Bank for Start-up Entrepreneurs

5 Things Innovators Should Never Forget

It has been shared five things an innovator should always remember. This has extracted after reading various articles on subject. These are:
1. Ideate with surrounding and not for them 
Innovators  need the support of an awful lot of colleagues and bosses before a big change truly can take place like R&D engineers, production managers, IT staff, financial controllers, marketers, service people and salesmen to develop your new product or service, produce it, get it on the market and service it. A new concept needs a lot of fathers and mothers will it survive internally. Therefore Innovators have to give them a chance to discover for themselves, what different paths are possible, what can be developed and what is realistic. If you want to be an effective innovator in an organization you will have to ideate new concepts with them and not for them.
2. Solve a relevant customer friction
Innovation is difficult because potential users must change their behaviour. Why should they buy your innovation? That’s the question! You have to give them a very good reason why! Effective innovation provides simple solutions for relevant problems or dreams of the target group. Innovators should find them by reaching out to customers using personal visits, meeting them in focus groups, search in social media or using crowdsourcing.
3. Use the voice of the customer
In selecting and improving ideas it is very important to criticise and challenge them from different perspectives. There are huge differences in how people from within the company perceive new ideas and how their potential customers perceive those same ideas. And that’s why incorporate idea reflection workshops with potential target groups in an early stage of your ideation process. Improve and pick the right ideas based on their feedback. Use the enthusiastic voice of the customer also to convince others it's a wonderful concept.
4. Bring back new business not only ideas
The reason you went on an innovation journey often stems from a need to grow the business again. So don't bring them ideas, bring them business and growth potential. Idea is being evaluated broadly from at least three perspectives Customer, Business model and Technology. There is need of clear,  strategic, commercial, professional and financial plan for new initiatives. At this early stage of the innovation process it is more of a ‘preview’ of the full business case. By making a mini new business case you strengthen the persuasiveness of your idea.
5. Show them how it's feasible.
Of course they expect from you as innovator to break existing patterns. And originality helps. But when you present your new concept it is wise to keep in mind that the rest of the organization is still as conservative as ever. Be sure to think outside the box on one hand and to present your idea inside the box on the other.

The Entrepreneurship Syste